We help brave, responsible companies in gaining strong positions through vigilant and long-term strategies - and increased visibility.
Our services
STAVN is a consulting company that assists businesses with future oriented strategies and innovative opportunities, both nationally and internationally.
We cooperate with the company's board and management, with great regard for the company's core business. STAVN is also a strategic adviser and sparring partner. In addition, we assist with government contact and networking.
Our thinking
Business strategies that are put into practice in the years to come, will be challenged. The earth's tolerance limit is exceeded, and STAVN has no belief in that the climate crisis, oil crisis, refugee crisis and wave of bankruptcy will diminish or even flatten out in the near future. This has long been a foreseeable development, and in this chaos companies need to find their way and be profitable.
We know that wise, responsible businesses contribute to wise, responsible future solutions. And we are proud to collaborate with a number of these – and assist these companies in particular, in strengthening their market position and bring about success.
A sustainable strategy is responsible and offensive – on behalf of the company and the earth. It is a result of deep dive to see and understand the unknown currents – and by interpreting what is obvious, and therefore easy to take for granted. It must consider societal development, trends, political processes and technology leaps. And it must contain a concrete and timed action plan.
We have no confidence in uncritically relating to the conventional thoughts, the obvious ways of choice, the smooth communication approaches. We see a different picture and are ready to share it.
We have long and wide experience to compile information, knowledge and impressions. To diagnose the challenges – and identify the possibilities.
To build success on exploiting natural and human resources, is a dying concept. We know that there are companies out there unready to change anything. Tell them about it. They are soon outperformed by businesses with a much more updated setting.
About us
Frank-Hugo Storelv
+47 97 48 07 20
Marie Frogner
+47 95 83 93 23